ciderleviathan's art commissions!

status: OPEN
slots: n/a, will close when i feel i have enough taken
read everything on this carrd before inquiring

terms of service


- for payment, i take usd via paypal, steam games, retail items and giftcards primarily. may take tf2 crate keys, though that depends on what the commission is.

- when comissioning me, i dont need the payment upfront. you can pay me when i finish the sketch and show it to you. however i wont work any more on the comission after that point untill im paid.

- please communicate with me! if you have any issues with the art, tell me and ill fix it. i also appreciate reminders/asking for updates, as i struggle with executive dysfunction.

- i will draw non sexual nudity, gore, furries, monsters, fandom characters, gift art, humans and feral creatures. what i wont do is complex machinery, nsfw or any kind of hatespeech

- dont try to haggle with me on prices. im not doing that and ill probably block you if you try that. exposure doesnt help me.

- id prefer if you credit me when using the art, but it's fine if you dont. however please dont remove the watermark or claim the art as your own.


icon/headshot - 5 dollars

chibi - 5-10 dollars, depends on complexity. fullbody by default unless something else is wanted

halfbody - 10 dollars

fullbody - 15 dollars

ask about reference sheet pricing, as it depends on character complexity + how much you want on it

also ask for custom character design pricing

+ shading - 5 dollars
+ another character - 5-10 dollars per character, depends on complexity of piece (no more than 3 characters, though may make exceptions)
+ more complex background - 10 dollars

multicolored lineart may have an additional fee, depends on complexity of the piece

art examples

click images for higher quality versions